Dear Friend,
It’s now 18 months since my wife Mushkie and I moved to the Mt. Pleasant neighbourhood and opened a Chabad satellite centre on the East Side (of Yonge St.). The warm welcome we received as emissaries to the area has been very encouraging. We organized and hosted holiday programs, Torah classes, events for children, Minyan’s and much more. Naturally, programs of this nature are deserving of support and are needed in order to improve the quality of Jewish life in our community. Yet, in the spirit of Chabad there is no dues of membership fee. All programs and events are open to the community at large.
To help fund the activities of Chabad on the East Side we are launching the Chai Club and are calling on our acquaintances to partner with us. Chai means life. The Chai club and the Chai Club (as it matures) will become the source of revenue that will provide the resources needed to safeguard our sustainability and facilitate growth. Please consider a monthly donation in multiple of $18, and become a partner in our sacred mission.
With much thanks for your consideration and with best wishes for Shana Tova!
Rabbi Shmuly Grossbaum